Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Personal Touch Silent Auction


Thank you for your interest in our silent auction. This is a fundraiser for The Personal Touch, LLC to be held Saturday June 4, 2011 in the Admiral Ballroom at the Silverdale Beach Hotel.

The smallest contribution can make the biggest difference. We provide services to Veterans, Seniors and vulnerable adults in need.

During the activities, we will open the silent auction, in which guests will bid on various items and services.

Corporate Sponsorship- Auction item valued at $1,000.00 or above: Business Highlighted as major sponsor by emcee throughout event, Business presented as major sponsor in all public service announcements and presentations, Business card sized ad in our evening program. Display corporate banner available. Two (2) event dinner tickets.

Silver Sponsorship- Auction item valued at $500.00-$999.00: Company name listed (phone and e-mail address included) as donor in evening program.

Bronze Sponsorship- Auction item valued at $150.00-$499.00: Company name listed as donor in evening program.

As a leader in our community, your support is truly needed—and appreciated—to make this benefit a success.

Please, just fill out the tear slip below, and return it with your camera-ready logo art in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope. If you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to call me.

Thank you ahead of time for your support.


Lisa Floyd

Auction Coordinator


We would like to donate to the silent auction for The Personal Touch, LLC Silent Auction as indicated

Company Name:_________________________________________
Contact __________________________
Phone _______________
Street Address ____________________ City _________ Zip ____
Table Sponsorship- 8 Dinner Tickets ($440.00)

Corporate Sponsorship Silver Sponsorship Bronze Sponsorship

Item Description:_______________________________________________________

Value: $ __________ Art enclosed __________ Pick up art on date ____

____ Please include business card in program (enclosed)
____ Please do not include business card in program
____ Please call me regarding upgrading my ad in the program book

Return to: The Personal Touch, LLC PO BOX 1996,Port Orchard, WA 98366
Include pre-addressed business reply envelope


Traditionally Indian society has revered parents. In fact, it has respected them the way it respects god. Children would shower their love and affection on them. But with modernization and the evolving ‘nuclear family’ concept, such reverence for parents seems to have registered a decline. The older the parents become, the lesser the respect they receive from their children. They are not only neglected and ignored but also deprived of their own property; they are sometimes ousted from their own home by their own children, leading to their loneliness. This is a new trend that has emerged in our society.

Unfortunately, American culture has become a very fast paced thing. We push aside the ugly things from our minds and don't want to consider where we came from. We try to forget things like the homeless or Vietnam. We  complain about the price of our occasional visits to the doctor but we never stop to think about the elderly among us who can't afford to buy the medicine that keeps them alive or who have to give up their homes and independence just to qualify for government help with their medical care. Nursing homes have become drop off points for the sick and elderly individuals, the breathing dead warehoused in less than adequate conditions. We think it is all important to fight for the rights of those in foreign lands but we forget the rights of those here at home who fought for our rights. We have all watched the advertisements on television where some formerly famous actor or actress begs you to send money for the aid of some child in a third world country and we say "I really wish I could help", but if we showed video of the conditions many of our elderly live in today, would you be as shocked and moved? Shouldn't you be?

Now we have reached that crucial point. We all ask just where we fit in and how we can help. Please help us to help others, please donate today.

For the next step, give of yourself. We all have an elderly friend or relative. Go visit them. Spend a little time getting to know their story. Visit a nursing home and volunteer. Help feed someone who can no longer feed themselves. Push a wheelchair up to a day room for a chat. You wouldn't believe the joy you can bring to another human being and yourself just by taking the time to visit them and truly listen to the stories they have to tell. Take a little time to get to know those who came before you and you will find yourself enriched as you improve their quality of life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fundraiser Events

The Personal Touch, LLC Providing Personal Assistance and Home Care Services

Invites you to our Mary Kay and Avon Fundraiser

For the month of September 2010

* Help us raise money for our clients in need!
* Try Anti-Aging Skin care & New Color Looks
* Holiday Shopping * Enjoy Girl Time!

Order online at:

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Facts......

Home Care is a diverse and dynamic service industry that began in US in the 1880's. Approximately 7.6 million individuals currently receive care from 17,000 providers because of acute illness, long term health conditions, permanent disability or terminal illness. In 2007 annual expenditures for home health care were projected to be $57.6 billion.

Companions and Aides play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for those with acute illness, long term health conditions and disabilities. Here are some compelling statistics:

* Seniors prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home, it is called "Aging in Place".

* The US Census Bureau concluded that "The elder population is becoming the fastest growing segment of our country".

* 75% of Baby Boomers are approaching retirement age.

* 2010 the US population of those aged 65 or older will be 35 million strong.

* A vast majority of adult children live several hundred miles away from their parents, which makes providing assistance extremely difficult.

* As medical technology advances, so does an individuals life expectancy.

We all need to plan now for our and our parents future care.